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Will someone already born live to reach 1,000 years of age?

Will someone already born live to reach 1,000 years of age?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Science » Other
currently Open, suspends 10/01/3011 21:25 (in )



Interview Jan 31 2018:

Someone you know could live to be 1,000 years old, according to Aubrey de Grey, a Cambridge-educated biomedical gerontologist who spoke Saturday at the IdeaFestival.

“It’s just a numbers game,” de Grey told the audience in the Kentucky Center’s Bomhard Theater.

The co-author of the 2007 book “Ending Aging,” de Grey said aging is an ailment that someday could be treated through various therapies.

Even for people in good health, cells become damaged through the course of a human life, de Grey said. It’s a solvable problem, he said, by providing maintenance to damaged cells.

De Grey said the breakthrough will be finding ways to treat damaged cells, which would head off the conditions that lead to old-age deaths: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease.

The research that could lead to these techniques is further along than most people realize, de Grey said, and could begin providing therapies within the next 25 years. Or not, he added, but the possibility exists that today’s 20-somethings could be alive in 3011.

Find similar: Aubrey de Grey


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   Nadine Walther

oh i need a clarification...since there is a large amount o discussion regarding what exactly constitutes life these days....If one is referring to the more fundamentalist version regarding this question then in would be a single cell..and therefore since there are some cells which have been kept alive and reproduced (copied) in testubes for well over 100 years....But i this question is assuming somethiing more than a single cell..... perhaps 4 cells.....5 5trillion....

   Nadine Walther

ah but will hub...i mean knewthenews still be called knewthenews in 120 one might collect on the winnings

   Super Usercharlesf

I may be a pessimist but it think it will settle in about 120 years.

   Super UserNormalPride

I would love to be here when this settles ;D

   Super UserKentoine Johnson

none of us will be here I guess I have a story to pass down to me kids

   Super Usergotmick

Sure, why not. Our 25th-great-grandchildren can settle this.

   Super UserPitchedOutsideLeg

Ah, but perhaps you will be alive, cici


you expect e to bet on something that you will settle 1,000 years from now? I won't be alive to collect.


the poor person!


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