User Profile


Member since 12/10/2010

All time highest net worth: 37,975.56 KtN$ (reached: 07/12/2024)

Current net worth : 37,865.75 KtN$

Predictions : 5,503

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Hi Mary,
saw your struggle to regain the first $1000. Maybe promo month (top page left - one of three topics) you can get 100 for te first5 markets you create and many more activities best read the full article (maybe kruijs will prolong)
Have fun

Promo Month

Celebrating the KTN$, various actions are being rewarded until the end February.

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Market Creation

Create Knew The News markets: Your first five markets will bring you 100$ each, for every fifth subsequent market, you'll get another 250$.

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  • Last login 07/26/2024 09:50.
  • Positions bought 5000
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