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Quick: What will be the total prison time in Bradley Mannings sentence?

Quick: What will be the total prison time in Bradley Mannings sentence?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in General » Crime
Settled on 08/21/2013 15:40 Settled by Super Usergotmick
Winning option:Up to 50 years Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years for Leaking Secrets



Bradley Manning, the source of one of WikiLeak's largest disclosures of U.S. secrets, was found guilty of most of the charges against him today, but not the most serious charge of aiding the enemy.

Manning had already pleaded guilty to 10 of the less serious of the 22 charges in a deal that at the time would've gotten him an expected 20 years in prison. Today a military judge announced the court's finding on the rest of the charges, a majority of them guilty verdicts, for espionage, theft and fraud. However, Manning managed to avoid the charge of aiding the enemy, which could have carried with it a life sentence.

Despite that finding, Manning could still face 136 years in prison for the other convictions, according to a legal expert briefing reports on the scene. The sentencing phase of Manning's trial begins Wednesday.

Find similar: bradley manning, verdict, sentence


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   Super Userkruijs

The US government has urged a military judge to sentence Bradley Manning to 60 years in prison, arguing that the solider, who leaked a huge collection of classified documents to WikiLeaks, "deserves to spend the majority of his remaining life" in custody.

The request was made by military lawyers on Monday, in the final stages of the soldier's court martial for leaking hundreds of thousands documents to the anti-secrecy website. The judge, Colonel Denise Lind, said she will start deliberations at 9am on Tuesday

   Super Userkruijs

More than three years after he was placed in handcuffs in Iraq, Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is likely to learn next week how much longer he must spend in prison for the largest breach of U.S. classified material in the nation’s history.

The 25-year-old soldier, who apologized that he “hurt” the United States, could be told as early as Tuesday whether he will face the maximum sentence of 90 years in prison and not be eligible for parole or clemency until he is in his 50s.

In court here Friday, the judge, Army Col. Denise Lind, issued a “Special Findings” report explaining why she convicted him last month of most of the charges against him, including six counts of violating the Espionage Act.,0,3823879.story

   Super Userkruijs

Manning, 25, faces up to 90 years in prison after he was convicted of espionage, releasing classified information, disobeying orders and leaking intelligence knowing that it would be accessible to the enemy.

A military judge, Army Col. Denise Lind, will determine the sentence. Wednesday is expected to be the final day of the defense portion of the sentencing hearing.

Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, has said he was disillusioned by an American foreign policy bent on “killing and capturing people” when he released the documents, including battlefield reports, to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks in 2010.

Manning himself was expected to take the stand later in the day.

The statement from Manning would be his first since he was found guilty of espionage for funneling the documents to the anti-secretary website WikiLeaks. The 25-year-old soldier has kept his silence since his trial began on June 3.

   Super Userkruijs

A military judge has reduced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning's maximum possible sentence in the WikiLeaks case to 90 years in prison.
Manning WikiLeaks Mythology.JPEG

Manning had faced up to 136 years in prison after he was convicted of charges related to his disclosure of classified information to the anti-secrecy website. But the judge, Army Col. Denise Lind, found during his sentencing hearing Tuesday that a number of the charges refer to the same actions and therefore were duplicative for sentencing purposes.

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