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Submarine race to the bottom of the Mariana Trench: Who will win the "race to inner space"?


Submarine race to the bottom of the Mariana Trench: Who will win the "race to inner space"?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Science » Environment
Settled on 03/26/2012 01:00 Settled by Super Usergotmick
Winning option:mes Cameron James Cameron did it.

HONOLULU (AP) — Hollywood icon James Cameron has made it to Earth's deepest point.

The director of "Titanic," ''Avatar" and other films used a specially designed submarine to dive nearly seven miles, completing his journey a little before 8 a.m. Monday local time, according to Stephanie Montgomery of the National Geographic Society.



It is the lowest point in the world's oceans and one of the most forbidding spots on the planet, cloaked in cold, darkness and enduring mystery.

Inhabited by organisms that resemble some of the earliest life-forms, it is deeper than Mount Everest is tall, with access so risky and complex that it has had just two human visitors since its formation nine million years ago.

Now, in what could be the culmination of a so-called "race to inner space", Hollywood director James Cameron may be poised to dash the hopes of Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Oceanic team of being the first 21st-century aquanaut to reach Challenger Deep, the nethermost location in any of the world's oceans.

Two other outfits have declared an intention to reach Challenger Deep, though not in the immediate future, and Mr Branson is the only party to have characterised the quest in competitive terms, stating when he unveiled the Virgin Oceanic bid last April that Mr Welsh aimed to pilot the first solo expedition there as part of a plan to dive to the deepest points in the world's five oceans.


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   Super UserBuckeyeTom

National Geographic reports that Cameron set the 5.1-mile record on Tuesday, during testing of the submarine Deepsea Challenger off the coast of Papua New Guinea. And with the world record in hand, the Academy Award winning director says he will now travel to the depths of the Mariana Trench in a matter of weeks. (Dateline: March 8, 2012)


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