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Who of these will be the next Republican presidential campaign dropout?


Who of these will be the next Republican presidential campaign dropout?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Politics » United States
Settled on 04/10/2012 17:45 Settled by Super Usergotmick
Winning option:ck Santorum Rick Santorum abruptly suspended his White House campaign Tuesday, clearing the way for front-runner Mitt Romney to claim the Republican presidential nomination.

The former Pennsylvania senator made the announcement at a news conference Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Santorum significantly lagged Mr. Romney in the nominating contest and faced an increasingly hard challenge in winning the GOP primary in his home state of Pennsylvania, which votes later this month.



Texas Gov. Rick Perry is expected to end his presidential campaign Thursday and endorse Newt Gingrich, two sources confirm to POLITICO.

The discord within the Perry campaign was evident even as the candidate prepared to drop out.

Perry has been unpredictable before — back in Texas to reassess his campaign’s viability following his fifth place finish in the Iowa caucuses, Perry surprised even many in his inner circle by personally tweeting a message saying he was staying in the race, and heading to South Carolina to campaign.

It’s been a steep fall for Perry, who launched his bid here on Aug. 13 amid high expectations for his candidacy and the belief among political observers that he’d quickly become the new frontrunner. He announced his candidacy at the RedState convention here the same day as the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa.


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