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What will be the percentage margin in the popular vote?

What will be the percentage margin in the popular vote?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Politics » United States
Settled on 11/11/2012 15:50 Settled by Super UserStephen Tilley
Winning option:Obama with less than 5% margin

Obama 50.5
Romney 47.9
Gap 2.6


Obama with 10% or more margin
Obama with 5% to less than 10% margin
Obama with less than 5% margin
Romney with less than 5% margin
Romney with 5% to less than 10% margin
Romney with 10% or more margin


The popular vote tells you if the candidate won the state or not, while the electoral vote tells you how much that state was 'worth' in that election.

It is possible to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote, and therefore the election. It is also possible to win the election with less than 50% of the voting population. Both of these scenarios, as well as others, have happened in actual elections.

There have been 12 Presidential elections that were decided by less than a 1% margin; meaning if less than 1% of the voters in certain states had changed their mind to the other candidate the outcome of the entire election would have been different.


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