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Will the "Poe Toaster" show up in 2012?

Will the "Poe Toaster" show up in 2012?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Entertainment » Celebrities
Settled on 01/24/2012 07:39 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option: A 60-year tradition of someone placing roses and cognac at the Baltimore grave site of Edgar Allen Poe on his birthday may be nevermore, a Poe expert says.

The "Poe Toaster," as the mysterious figure, who has never been identified, has been known, did not show up Thursday morning -- the third straight year no one delivered the tradition tribute -- leading Jeff Jerome, curator of the Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum, to pronounce officially the end of the tradition, The Baltimore Sun reported.



The shadowy visitor who left roses and a half-full bottle of cognac at Edgar Allan Poe's Baltimore grave on the writer's birthday, every year for 60 years, has failed to appear for the second year in a row. And no one knows why.

The tradition began on January 19, 1949, according to the Edgar Allan Poe Society. The last visitation came two years ago, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Poe, the author of such dark classics as "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Telltale Heart," "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," and the poem "The Raven."

"I will be here in 2012, but that will be it," he said. "If he's a no-show, I will officially pronounce the tradition dead."

The identity and motivation of the "Poe Toaster" has always been a mystery, as is the reason for the ritual's apparent end.

As crowds for the annual stakeout at Westminster Burying Ground have grown, the Toaster may be finding it harder to go in and out unnoticed. Perhaps the stealthy Poe admirer simply decided it was time to stop.

Find similar: edgar allen poe, poe toaster


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   Super Userkruijs

Poe House and Museum Curator Jeff Jerome says he’ll wait one last time overnight Wednesday before calling an end to the tradition. He’ll host a reading of Poe tributes Thursday, an event that may become a new tradition to mark the macabre writer’s birthday.


Me thinks he may have died.

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