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How often will Gold Price stay below 2.200 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Mar_2024 to Aug_2024?

Leading Prediction: in all 6 months below 2.200 $

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Which ETF will have the best 16 months performance between May-1-2023 and Aug-31-2024 ?

Leading Prediction: IT:TANN HANetf Solar EnergyIT:TANN HANetf Solar Energy

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By when will summer Arctic Sea ice coverage drop to zero?

Leading Prediction: Summer 2021

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What Annual Increase (ppb) in Globally-Averaged Atmospheric CH4 (Methane) will we get for 2023?

Leading Prediction: 2023 below 5 ppb

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Will Arctic Sea Ice extent fall below 3.387 million km² at any day in 2024?

Leading Prediction: YESYES

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US Presidential elections. Which party will win the 2024 election?

Leading Prediction: Democrats

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How many views will "CLIMATE THE MOVIE :THE COLD TRUTH" have on youtube as of September 26 2024?

Leading Prediction: 12.000 or even more views after 6 month

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What will happen next to NASDAQ 100 (^NDX) stock market Index?

Leading Prediction: closing-quote for ^NDX is climbing above 21.000 ponts

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In what year will the next United Kingdom General Election take place?

Leading Prediction: 2020

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