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Who will win 2010 Women's World Chess Championship?

Who will win 2010 Women's World Chess Championship?

Asked by: growthy in Sports » Other
Settled on 12/25/2010 08:27 Settled by growthy
Winning option:u, Yifan (CHN) Hou Yifan is world champion!

After being pushed into an unexpected tie-break, young Hou Yifan pulled herself together and won the 4-game rapid match with a convincing 3-1 score.


Kosteniuk, Alexandra (RUS)
Koneru, Humpy (IND)
Hou, Yifan (CHN)
Kosintseva, Tatiana (RUS)
Dzagnidze, Nana (GEO)
Stefanova, Antoaneta (BUL)
Muzychuk, Anna (SLO)
Cramling, Pia (SWE)
Harika, Dronavalli (IND)
Ju, Wenjun (CHN)
Lahno, Kateryna (UKR)
Cmilyte, Viktorija (LTU)


The Women's World Chess Championship is being held at Hatay, Turkey, from December 2nd to 25th. It is a 64-player knockout tournament, with two-game mini-matches qualifying a player to the next round, until the final and 6th round, which is a four-game match to determine the champion. In the event of a draw after the two tournament time-control games, there will be a rapid game tie-breaker, followed by a possible blitz playoff, and finally an armageddon blitz game. The time control is 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game, and a 30-second increment per move as of the first move. The games are held daily at 3 PM local time (2 PM Paris / 8 AM New York / 5 AM Los Angeles).

Official tournament page:

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Ruan strikes back! Tiebreaks ahead
It seemed like Hou Yifan's victory was in the cards. Her early blow in the second game taking a 1.5-0.5 lead seemed decisive, and though Lufei Ruan obtained a significant edge in the third game, it ended in a draw. In the last, Ruan needed a win at all costs to force a tiebreak, and Ms. Nerves of Steel did it again and pulled off the victory!
This victory has set the stage for a very tense tiebreak where one can no longer speak of edges or favorites. In fact the momentum is with Lufei, with her incredible tie-break record, and having struck the last blow. If anything, she will play with a slight psychological edge if anything.

Please note that the organizers announced a last-minute change in the schedule, and the tiebreaks will be held three hours earlier than originally announced, and the games will start at 12 PM local time (11 AM Paris / 5 AM New York).


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