User Profile

John Miller

Member since 01/19/2016

All time highest net worth: 2,164.22 KtN$ (reached: 01/21/2016)

Current net worth : 996.92 KtN$

Predictions : 6

Third successfull member in communication 1/2016

   John Miller

Is the universe a simulation?
Sorry but you can't simulate something that is infinite in nature. At the basis of this universe are irrational numbers like pi. Well the irrational in pi comes from the square root of 2, but omni-directional forces like gravity require calculations that would never hold enough information to properly simulate anything except the limit of y/x as x approaches infinity... which is 0. So no, there there is basically 0% accuracy of simulating this world and 0% chance.

   John Miller

Will Facebook will lose 80 percent of its peak user base between 2015 and 2017?
80% is a little too much to wager on....

   John Miller

US 2016 Presidential election. Sanders vs Trump?
No idea why but I am a pessimist so I don't think Bernie will win as long as there is Hillary.

   John Miller

Is the universe a simulation?
Sorry but you can't simulate something that is infinite in nature. At the basis of this universe are irrational numbers like pi. Well the irrational in pi comes from the square root of 2, but omni-directional forces like gravity require calculations that would never hold enough information to properly simulate anything except the limit of y/x as x approaches infinity... which is 0. So no, there there is basically 0% accuracy of simulating this world and 0% chance.