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Dow Prime Lottery - How many prime numbers in the Dow Jones at close Mon 27 Dec?

Dow Prime Lottery - How many prime numbers in the Dow Jones at close Mon 27 Dec?

Asked by: Hendrik Annink in Business » Indices
Settled on 12/27/2010 21:10 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:ree or more prime numbers Closed at 11,555.03
these are 4 prime numbers



Prime numers under 10 are 2,3,5 and 7. They can only be devided by 1 and itself.
For technical reasons (Euclids logarithm) 1 (one) is NOT a prime number.

So how many prime numbers will appear in the close of Dow Jones at Mon 27 Dec ?

Find similar: dow jones prime lottery


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