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English Premier League: How many of the top 17 of 2017/8 season will be relegated in 2019?

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English Premier League: How many of the top 17 of 2017/8 season will be relegated in 2019?

Asked by: Super UserStephen Tilley in Sports » Soccer
Settled on 05/05/2019 06:50 Settled by Super UserStephen Tilley
Winning option:One Only Huddersfield Town.

The other two, Cardiff and Fulham, had been promoted in 2017-18



There are 20 teams in the English Premier League. At the end of every season the worst three are relegated to the Football League and replaced by three from that league.


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   Super UserStephen Tilley

Two relegated clubs are already known. One (Huddersfield) was 16th last year; the other (Fulham) was promoted from the Football League.
So 0 and 3 cannot happen.


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