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Will the 'Black Forest' site be chosen to be one of the New7Wonders?

Will the 'Black Forest' site be chosen to be one of the New7Wonders?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in World » Other
Settled on 11/11/2011 21:28 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option: The provisional New7Wonders of Nature, based on the first count of vote results on 11/11/11.

It is possible that there will be changes between the above provisional winners and the eventual finally confirmed winners.

If results vary, markets may be re-settled.



The third phase of the New7Wonders of Nature is now underway, and you can vote on your choice of seven natural wonders from the selection of 28 Official Finalist Candidates.

Black Forest (Schwarzwald) is a wooded mountain range in southwestern It is bordered by the Rhine valley to the west and south. The highest peak is the mountain Feldberg with an elevation of 1,493 meters. The region is almost rectangular with a length of 200 km and breadth of 60 km.

The Official New7Wonders of Nature campaign started in 2007, immediately after the campaign to elect the man-made Official New 7 Wonders of the World. From over 440 participants representing over 220 countries and through a national qualification and race to become one of the Top 77, as well as the Panel of Experts recommendation of the list of 28 Official Finalist Candidates, the Official New7Wonders of Nature is now in its third and final phase in which the wonders themselves will be chosen by an estimated 1 billion votes. The Official Declaration of the New7Wonders of Nature will be on 11.11.11.

Find similar: black forest, new7wonders


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