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Will 1 Bitcoin hit 100 US$?

Will 1 Bitcoin hit 100 US$?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Business » Indices
Settled on 04/11/2013 19:09 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:During March/April 2013

2013-04-01 High: 106



One of the most interesting side notes from the Cyprus bailout drama has been the sudden return to prominence of virtual currency Bitcoin after its fifteen minutes of fame in 2011.

In Cyprus, a combination of banking system volatility, strict capital controls and a dramatic loss of confidence in bank deposit insurance created almost perfect conditions for a Bitcoin comeback. In the last two weeks, the value of a single Bitcoin has exploded in value, from $40 to nearly $75 over the course of roughly two weeks, as depositors in Cyprus searched desperately for a way to keep their money from being confiscated during a bank bailout.


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   Super Userkruijs

Currency markets are keeping close track of Cyprus' banking crisis and are braced for possible repercussions, but one currency has thrived in the chaos and zoomed in value -- Bitcoins.

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