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Will Sen. Dick Lugar win the Indiana Republican primary?

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Will Sen. Dick Lugar win the Indiana Republican primary?

Asked by: Super UserStephen Tilley in Politics » United States
Settled on 05/09/2012 00:30 Settled by Super Usergotmick



Dick Lugar could see his 36-year Senate career come to an end Tuesday in the Indiana Republican primary as voters decide whether to send him back to Congress for another six-year term or bank on challenger Richard Mourdock.

Mourdock, the state treasurer, has positioned himself to the political right of Lugar and has been buoyed by the tea party, which shares his belief that the senator has become too moderate to represent the state.

In the election's final days, Lugar's campaign championed a new central message: that the senator is more electable than his opponent in the general election,


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this primary is over. It was held yesterday.

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